Cookie Policy 

Cookie Policy For B. Elainen Styles

This policy explains how the data and/or information that is collected on the website is used by cookies when you submit your information on the B. Elainen Styles Blog. The goal is to comply with the cookie laws and earn your trust.

Responsibility of Blog

My name is Brenda McMillan and B. Elainen Styles is my blog.

I am a United States citizen and I reside in the state of Texas.

Information Collected and Used 

By B. Elainen Styles

The type of information that my blog will and currently collects are:

  • Email Addresses
  • First and Last Names

How Cookies Are Used By Google
This site uses cookies from Google to deliver its services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user-agent are shared with Google along with performance and security metrics to ensure quality of service, generate usage statistics, and to detect and address abuse.

Google Businesses Use of Users Information 

  • Google Analytics is used to get a better understanding of how our users are engaging on this website. This information can also be used to improve the users experience.
    • Google Analytics does not collect users information or create user profiles across the Internet. 

  • Google Adsense is used to earn money by displaying third-party ads on this website. The information this website provides to Google is securely collected and stored. 
    • Google Adsense also periodically crawls this website for the purpose of providing the most relevant ads on this website (B. Elainen Styles).

Use of First Party Affiliate Links on B. Elainen Styles

Affiliate Links are first party links used to earn money by displaying these affiliated links and/or images within this website's posted content. The use of affiliate links are kept to a minimum to avoid over usage.

The affiliate links are provided by and are connected to businesses through the links which are placed on this website. When users click on affiliate links they will be directed to another site. If they make a purchase, that website will need their information in order to complete the purchase. Once a purchase is made, then a commission payment is made to Brenda McMillan (me).

How the Information of Users Are Protected

The blog: B. Elainen Styles belongs to Brenda McMillan. There are no other authors or anyone with access to this blog. The only ones who know when the users have visited this blog will be Brenda McMillan a Google Analytics, Google Adsense and First Parties associated with affiliate links. 

B. Elainen Styles is hosted on one of the best servers and has a SSL certificate which means the blog and its data is safe.

How Information Is Deleted

All users of this website can simply stop emailing and send an email requesting their information to be deleted and it will be deleted.

Contact Information 


Use of Cookies:

This blog will contain cookies, tracking from third party ads and links and affiliate links to other websites.

Opt-Out Cookie Policy:

All users information may be disclosed to third parties for marketing and behavioral purposes. All users have the right to opt out of such disclosures with those third parties by contacting those first and third parties. All users have the right to opt out of our disclosures at B. Elainen Styles any time by simply sending an email to